- Installation
- General Configuration
- Authentication
- Site Title Options
- Internationalization (I18n)
- Namespaces
- Load paths
- Comments
- Utility Navigation
- Working with Resources
- Rename the Resource
- Customize the Namespace
- Customize the Menu
- Scoping the queries
- Customizing resource retrieval
- Belongs To
- Customizing the Index Page
- Customizing the CSV format
- Customizing the Form
- Customize the Show Page
- Sidebar Sections
- Custom Controller Actions
- Index Batch Actions
- Custom Pages
- Decorators
- Arbre Components
- Authorization Adapter
Active Admin is a Ruby Gem.
gem 'activeadmin'
# Plus integrations with:
gem 'devise'
gem 'cancancan'
gem 'draper'
gem 'pundit'
More accurately, it’s a Rails Engine that can be injected into your existing Ruby on Rails application.
Setting up Active Admin
After installing the gem, you need to run the generator. Here are your options:
If you don’t want to use Devise, run it with
:rails g active_admin:install --skip-users
If you want to customize the name of the generated user class, or if you want to use an existing user class, provide the class name as an argument:
rails g active_admin:install User
Otherwise, with no arguments we will create an
class to use with Devise:rails g active_admin:install
The generator adds these core files, among others:
Now, migrate and seed your database before starting the server:
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000/admin
and log in as the default user:
- User: admin@example.com
- Password: password
Voila! You’re on your brand new Active Admin dashboard.
To register an existing model with Active Admin:
rails generate active_admin:resource Post
This creates a app/admin/post.rb
file with some content to start. Preview
any changes in your browser.
When upgrading to a new version, it’s a good idea to check the CHANGELOG.
To update the assets:
rails generate active_admin:assets
You should also sync these files with their counterparts in the AA source code:
Along with any template partials you’ve copied and modified.
Gem compatibility
If you use will_paginate
in your app, you need to configure an initializer for
Kaminari to avoid conflicts.
# config/initializers/kaminari.rb
Kaminari.configure do |config|
config.page_method_name = :per_page_kaminari
If you are also using Draper, you may
want to make sure per_page_kaminari
is delegated correctly:
Draper::CollectionDecorator.send :delegate, :per_page_kaminari
If you’re getting the error wrong number of arguments (6 for 4..5)
, read #2703.
You can opt-in to using Webpacker for ActiveAdmin assets as well by updating your configuration to turn on the use_webpacker
option, either at installation time or manually.
at active_admin installation:
rails g active_admin:install --use_webpacker
ActiveAdmin.setup do |config| config.use_webpacker = true end
And run the generator to get default Active Admin assets:
rails g active_admin:webpacker